Re-Sign a Contract Say Crossword Clue

Looking for the solution to a crossword clue can be a fun and challenging experience. However, sometimes the clues can be quite cryptic, making it difficult to find the correct answer. One such challenging clue is “re-sign a contract say.”

If you`re like most people, you might be tempted to immediately think of the word “resign,” which means to quit or leave a job. But in this case, that wouldn`t be the right answer. The clue is actually referring to a different word, which is “renew.”

The word “renew” is often used when referring to contracts. When you renew a contract, it means that you`re extending its duration. This can be done in several different ways, such as by signing a new agreement or by renewing an existing one.

So how does this relate to the crossword clue? The clue is using wordplay to suggest that you need to take the word “re-sign” and interpret it as “renew.” The phrase “re-sign a contract” could mean either to sign a contract again or to renew one, depending on the context. In this case, the clue is using the latter meaning.

If you`re still struggling to solve the crossword, there are a few other things you can do. One option is to try filling in some of the other words in the puzzle and see if any of them can help you figure out the answer to this particular clue. Another option is to look up the clue online and see if anyone else has solved it already.

In any case, solving crossword clues like “re-sign a contract say” can be a great way to challenge your mind and have some fun. So don`t give up, keep trying, and enjoy the process of figuring out the answers!


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